Last Alarm
William Samuel (Sam) Bradner III
Firefighter Bradner, age 30, of Tunstall fire & Rescue, lost his life in the line of duty on November 5, 1997, in a fire truck accident while taking water to the scene of a structure fire. He died doing what he loved most, helping his friends, neighbors, and his community, by serving as a volunteer. He was a friend of all, and his loss has left a deep scar that will never heal. He will be missed tremendously. May he never be forgotten.
Firefighter William Samuel (Sam) Bradner III, was honored at the 1998 memorial service in Emmitsburg Maryland.
Additionally we pay tribute to two of our own who we lost to illness while they actively served their community in the department. We remember Clyde White (2515) who fought a courageous battle with Lou Gherigs disease and Steve Murphy (2560) who fought a courageous battle with cancer. Both of these men were very active in the department and the gaps left by their loss will never be able to be filled.
We would also like to remember Harry Michael (Mike) Welsh , age 44, of our sister department, Callands Fire & Rescue. He was a former firefighter & paramedic in the city of Arlington, and one of the greatest influences on fire and rescue services in our county. He is credited with bringing the concept of first-responder service here, and also led the Danville Law Enforcement Explorer Post. He lost his life in an Aeromedical plane crash on Long Island N.Y. in March of 1994.